Why Is Facebook Survey More Important Than You Think?

Ads Insight Hub
4 min readFeb 1, 2021


Facebook is one of the biggest platforms for connecting people online and for online business. It is the only platform that is having millions of active users globally.

Many company owners survey users to collect useful information from their employees, customers, and other stakeholders. And it is also the best way to increase social media engagement with their followers.

It sounds boring at first but the best way for offering rewards or creating an entertaining questionnaire.

In this article, I will share complete guidelines for the Facebook survey.

But, before getting completely into the guide!

Let’s firstly focus on what the FB survey is?

It is a research method that helps collect feedback, information, and data with some targeted questions. Facebook has two options. It has multiple purposes and can be conducted in many forms depending on the study’s goal.

You have to be ready all time to produce the most desirable content for survey ads. Because the customers neglect such questions as it seems to be boring and pointless too.

I think now you know a little bit about the FB survey.

Without wasting time, let’s get into the guide of the FB survey page.

How to create a survey on Facebook?

  1. In your Facebook page, you can start a poll.
  2. Enter or ask random questions to your followers.
  3. If you want people to choose, enter options.
  4. You can add GIFs or photos if you want.
  5. Select the time when you want to end the poll.
  6. Post the poll.

Well, you know how to conduct a FB survey.

Let’s dig more into it.

Other tools which you can try –


It is a simple and user-friendly online survey software that helps individuals create an online survey to get feedback and for businesses.

It is a tool that has unique survey templates. The survey was built with the survio software. Adopted by smartphones and tablets without inconvenience. It enables us to approach users effectively.

Key Features –

  • Survey previews
  • Automatic Question numbering
  • Social media plugins
  • Branded weblinks
  • Survey logic
  • Response notifications

On the Facebook page publishing, the survey is very easy and in different file formats such as XML, XLS, HTML, and CSV. You can download the results.

Steps on how you create a FB survey page with Survio?

Survey has three forms of pages:

  1. Welcome page — It is the first page where you can edit and create the survey title here.

2. Pages with questions follow — you can make the next pages of a survey using this option.

3. The last page is the Exit Page, where Thank You text appears to the respondents.

Free versions of survio do not grant us the ability to edit. You have to pay for its premium if you want to make your own thank you page.


It is another tool that allows us to proceed and launch any form of the survey online. SurveyMonkey helps you to create polls and surveys for market research. FB or Web Link collector used to make and deliver well-designed surveys.

Here are some mild and easy steps to follow –

  1. Sign up for a free SurveyMonkey account.
  2. Create and design your survey using any one of our survey templates.
  3. When you are ready to send your survey, select Web Link Collector to post a link on your Facebook fan page.

Following these easy steps helps you to create a survey on FB. that gets a great response rate and gives invaluable insights.


Shortstack is software used for managing your social media voting, contests, giveaways, and polls. You can get deeper into the customer preferences, market and collect valuable marketing data, using quizzes and polls by the short stack.

Voting Widget is used to showcase entries submitted to ShortStack lists.


Use the choose a List from the drop-down menu to pick a list.

Show approved entries.

You are required to choose only the confirmed entries box and the voting widget will present the records you have approved.

Voting Round

Select the Voting round from the drop-down menu to choose the number of voting rounds

Disable Voting.

If you need to cover the vote button, you are required to inspect the Disable Voting box.

Above mentioned things are enough to build the market research survey within Facebook Ads that make more traffic to your post.

Time to wrap it up

The Facebook survey is one of the best ways to use it for your business as it builds a market research survey by Facebook Ads that help to have more traffic to your post and collect feedback from the customers.



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