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4 min readDec 28, 2020

Facebook, the word itself is a sort of entertainment for nearly more than half of the world’s population. In recent years, Facebook has become one of the biggest social media platforms with over a billion users. And, after the 2016 update, there was an introduction of a brand new feature, ‘Facebook Stories.’ Now the users from all around the globe can post stories on Facebook and enjoy more, like Instagram and Snapchat.

How Does It Work?

For sharing stories on Facebook, basically, there are 2 ways: Direct or through Stories. A user can find the option for uploading the story at the top of the News Feed section and can post it with accurate specifications. You can add image/video/text in your Facebook Story for your viewers to enjoy watching your stories. And, if anyone feels like interacting with you he/she can click on the reply button at the bottom of the screen for the same or can react to your story as per their like.

How To Create A Facebook Story?

Creating and uploading stories on Facebook, isn’t a tough task. So, you can create a Facebook Story in 2 ways, like:

  • By clicking on the ‘+’ icon on the News Feed of the Facebook app, or
  • You can add it through the Messenger app, by clicking on the camera button on the top right corner.

And then you can either capture the image/video from the camera or upload it directly from your gallery. You can also add filters, emoji, text, GIFs, etc to make it look more attractive.

How Is It Beneficial For Marketers?

Uploading stories on Facebook is also a tricky business strategy for interacting well with your audience and advertising your business. Let’s see what all benefits do marketers get from the same:

  • Builds Connections:

Whether you are posting any content on the News Feed, or the Facebook story, it will catch the eye-sight of different audiences and help you build good connections with them. You can also post stories about your brand’s team for your consumers to know better about your brand.

  • Spread Brand Awareness:

You can also spread awareness about your brand by posting images or videos on your newly launched products to explain to your viewers the benefits and uses of the same. Not only this, but you can also offer the best deals and discounts you are allowing on your products and services.

  • Works As An Attention Seeker:

As soon as your audience logs in to the Facebook app, he/she notices the stories on the top of the News Feed page, which attracts them to watch your stories and engage them in the same. Not only this, nearly all of the users watch stories on Facebook in comparison to seeing the posts on the News Feed.

So, these were some of the best benefits that marketers can avail themselves of while using the story feature for their business. But,

What Are The Best Tips To Post Stories On Facebook?

Okay. So, after discussing the advantages, it’s high time to know the best tips you can use while uploading stories on this social media platform. Some of them are listed below:

  • Maintain Uniqueness:

Make sure your story content should be 100% unique and attractive enough for your audience to catch their eyesight on your posts. Also, you must follow the Facebook Copyright rules, to avoid any legal issues.

  • High-Quality Content:

The content you post should be in high-definition quality, as it leaves a good impact on your viewers, and will encourage them to interact with you to know more about your brand and the products you offer.

  • Follow Specifications:

Before uploading the story, one must check out whether the content is accurate in its dimensions or not. Make sure the specifications should be 1920x1080 pixels(aspect ratio of 9:16) to avoid any cropping issues.

Summing Up:

Since Facebook is quite popular among today’s youth, whether it’s for educational or marketing purposes. I hope my article on Facebook Stories helped you a little bit to understand it in detail.



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